
Why Is DIY Cleaning a Bad Idea?

Why Is DIY Cleaning a Bad Idea?

When you have a clogged drain, the first thing that comes to mind is a DIY solution. However, without the proper knowledge, you might end up dealing with unexpected problems that may cost you a lot of money. That is why in plumbing matters like this, it’s always best to seek professional help from Keeley’s Plumbing. Here are some of the reasons why cleaning blocked drains yourself is a bad idea. DIY May Not Solve …

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Rookie Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

Rookie Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid

You may notice plumbing problems that look simple and easy to do on your own. However, trying to fix them may end up escalating the problem rather than solving it, leading you to eventually still need the services of a professional plumber in Glen Ellyn, IL to clean up your mistake. Be sure to avoid the following rookie plumbing mistakes that many homeowners make: Using the Wrong Tools Some tools you use on your automobile …

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Reasons to Schedule Drain Cleaning in Summer

With summer already here, you may be already planning for pool parties, preparing for out-of-town vacations, and tackling home maintenance. As you rely more on your plumbing this season, make sure you don’t overlook your drains. It’s more likely that you will deal with a clogged drain sooner or later, and getting ahead of the problem will spare you from major headaches down the road. Keeley’s Plumbing shares some reasons you should schedule professional drain …

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How Can Poor Plumbing Affect Your Health?

Water damage and other problems that come along with faulty plumbing not only can compromise your home’s structural integrity but your health and well-being as well. As your trusted plumber in Naperville, IL, Keeley’s Plumbing strives to make every home we service a safer one. We ensure that your plumbing system is up to par, so you can avoid these health risks that poor plumbing poses. Poor Water Quality Leaks from your sewer system can …

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drain services in Glen Ellyn, IL

Drain Maintenance: Do’s and Don’ts

Drains can get clogged for many reasons, such as hair, soap residue, grease, and debris, in a typical plumbing system. While a reliable plumber in Glen Ellyn, IL from Keeley’s Plumbing can help you fix any issue arising from your drains, you can take a few preventative steps to keep your drains in good condition. Do Use Drain Strainers Drain covers and strainers come in handy and help avoid a clogged drain. They catch large …

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